An integrated accounting system that includes accounts, sales, purchases and inventory systems
Ease of use as no previous experience is required. Possibility of dealing in local or foreign currency. Possibility of selling through the sales screen or quick selling (points of sale). Monitor the customers balance directly through the sales invoice. Possibility of dealing with many payment methods. The ability to deal with all types of receivables (receipt vouchers: cash, check, bond, service). Possibility of dealing with all types of exchange (bills of exchange: cash, check, deposit). The ability to make daily restrictions of all kinds. The ability to carry out all inventory operations (store supply, warehouse exchange, warehouse transfer, warehouse inventory, etc.). Possibility of adding more than one unit of measurement for one item. Ability to deal with service, serial and complex items. The ability to add an unlimited number of categories and accounts. The system includes an automated and distinctive method for pricing items, with the possibility of applying the pricing policy to all or some of the items. The ability to create more than one price for a single item, such as a sale, wholesale, or special price. Determine the tasks and powers of each user according to his role in data protection. The ability to send SMS text messages to customers, suppliers and others.